Sunday, November 28, 2010

ABC Review - Part 2

The review continues. 

N is for Neal and Nick...

O is for Mr. O'Grady and Mr. O'Donnell...

P is for Parker and Paul...

Q is for Mr. Quest...

R is for Ryder and Rick...

S is for Scott and Sweet...

T is for Tyler and Tom...

U is for Mr. Ulloa and Mr. Urb...

V is for Vincent and Vincent...

W is for Woody and Wolff...

X is for Xest...

Y is for Yvan and Yank...

And finally, Z is for Zach and Zack...

Be prepared... you never know when you'll expected to pop... I mean, when you'll get a pop quiz!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

ABC Review - Part 1

Well, the ABC's of HCB's has cum to an end. It's time to review what we've learned.

A is for Axel and Aden...

B is for Bobby and Ben...


C is for Christopher and Cole


D is for Dakota and Dareian...


E is for Eduardo and Erik...

F is for Freddy and Francois...

G is for Gene and Gordy...

H is for Hayden and Hugh...


I is for Ivan and Ilias...

J is for Jindrich and Jack...

K is for Karl and Klaus...

L is for Les and Levi...

M is for Marc and Mark...

Part Two of the review will be tomorrow. In the meantime, bone up on these guys!