Saturday, December 26, 2009

Corbin Bernsen

American actor (b. 1957) in Tidal Wave (1997)

1 comment:

  1. Back in the late '80's, when Corbin's name was everywhere, a professional photographer friend of mine -- STR8 -- had an outdoors/wilderness location shoot with him.

    When he told me about it some months later, my big burly STR8 friend said: "So there we were in the great outdoors - just him and me. The next shot needed a wardrobe change, so he dropped trou, and, you guessed it, he was goin' commando. I was changing lenses, rolling film - the whole 'I'm Not Looking At Your Cock' bit, but he kept on talking to me, so I HAD to keep looking at him. And man -- was he HUNG!

    Maybe they're just used to being in Wardrobe and changing in front of a bunch of people. So then, he just picked up the next pair of pants and changed into those." He paused. "But CRAP, it was big!"


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